It is a busy time for Kingston North Kitsap Rotary Club's Interact Club at Kingston High. At the invitation of Rotary Club President Jackie Baker, Interact's McLane Bowers briefed members.
     Bowers invited Rotary Club members to an Interact Club potluck at the high school, Feb 9, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Also on the calendar is an Interact Club free meal for the community Mar 10.  When questioned, Bowers said, "yes, the Interact members will plan, prepare, and distribute 120 meals in support of Kingston's monthly free community meals program."
     The bulk of the joint meeting of the Kingston North Kitsap Rotary Club meeting Jan 18 was devoted to discussion, planning, and signing up for various duties in support of the annual fundraiser and suction at White Horse Feb 11.  A total of $50k in proceeds is the goal.