Posted by Ron Carter

There are 529 Rotary Districts worldwide.  Leading one of the geographically largest of those, District 5020 (all of Vancouver Island and western Washington), is Craig Gillis, who visited the Kingston-North Kitsap Rotary Club October 17. Gillis is a teacher by profession.  He “educated” club members on what he called the heart and science of service.  The heart is why we do it.  The science is how, the body of practice we learn as Rotarians.  As Rotarians, he said, we are connected by invisible strands…the stories we tell each other.  This is why it is a goal to bring in more new members.  He said the future is youth.  “Whatever we can do to support youth, keep on doing it.”  Gillis left members with two homework assignments. First, “move the needle forward in whatever way you like.”  Second, take a blank note card home and write to someone who’s made a difference in your life.  A note of appreciation.  Put something in their “shoebox of life.”