At their Jan 15 meeting Kingston North Kitsap Rotarians had the pleasure of hosting District Governor Bill McGregor.  He spoke about the Magic of Rotary.
     Rotary is a massive international organization focused on improving health and welfare of people worldwide.  Kingston North Kitsap Rotary is one of 89 Clubs in District 5020.  There are some 530 Rotary Districts.  Each Rotary year - July-June - a leader is selected as governor.  McGregor is well on his way to visiting all District 5020 Clubs, a significant challenge as the District spans all of Vancouver Island and much of Western Washington.   
     As for the Magic of Rotary, McGregor spoke to the magic Rotarians do in their communities; their commitment to humanitarian services; the magic of bringing people together to make lasting change; to bring clear, fresh, clean drinking water to parched areas of the world.  And the magic of "Just Showing Up."  He encouraged members to be active members, role models and club leaders.  "Just Show Up, Be Your Best Self, and Be the One."