State Representative Greg Nance spoke, by video, to Kingston North Kitsap Rotarians at their noon meeting, Jan 8, 2024.  
     Recently elected, 23d District Representative Nance has taken an active leadership role to address Washington State Ferry issues since his appointment to the House.  As a member of the House Transportation Committee, Nance said he is focused on three WSF matters: reliability, rider experience, and system transparency and accountability.    
     Reliability is about building new boats as quickly as possible. Most recent estimate is the earliest delivery is 2029.  "We need to get them faster than that."  Another reliability issue is lack of vessels and lack of crew.  Currently, 15 of 26 boats are operable.  With lots of WSF retirees coming, recruitment efforts are centering on high schools and community colleges, as well as at our local naval bases.  
     To elevate customer experience, Nance discusses a soon-to-be Edmonds/Kingston route reservation system,  reliable, subscription-based wi-fi, and electronic terminal signage to better communicate with ferry users.
     Finally, the transparency and accountability piece, he says, should be addressed by elevating the head of WSF to a state cabinet level position, giving ferries a seat at the table.  Nance said "we need a better definition and data on on-time experience, and to make better use of Ferry Advisory Committees."
     According to Nance, rider experiences - stories and suggestions - move the needle with legislators.  Write him an email to share your stories and suggestions:  
    Upcoming important dates:  Ferries Town Hall hosted by Nance Saturday, Jan 25, 1-3p, Village Green Community Center.  And, lobby days at the state capital Feb 4, 5, and 6.