Rosalys Peel was the featured speaker at the April 12 meeting of the Kingston North Kitsap Rotary Club Noon Team.  Her topic was managing Alzheimer's at home.

        By profession she is a nurse and teacher/counselor dealing with child-birth classes for young couples.  She hardly imagined that she would  utilize many of the same skills to assist her husband, and their relationship, in the last many years of his life.  After her husband, Mike, showed  signs of cognitive difficulties, he was eventually diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  Her couple relationship knowledge and skills were key to them maintaining a strong, loving relationship for the nine and a half years until Mike succumbed to the disease.  Through this time on the suggestion of a doctor, she journaled their experience.        

        Three years after Mike’s passing, Rosalys turned her journals into a book, titled Mike & Me.  Each chapter tells a story with an insight.   One key point is that laughter is a powerful medicine.  Many devices for sharing funny memories, to watching comedy movies, videos or tv, all helped maintain cognitive activity.  Having friends and family frequently present was vital.  Good nutrition and exercise continued to reduce the effects of the disease. Likewise, daily conversation and support group involvement was a saving grace.  

        When Mike was first diagnosed she shared that her biggest fear was that he would forget who she was, that he might become aggressive or forget where he belonged and wander off.  His greatest fear was that he would not be able to stay living in their loving home. Neither of those fears came true and the book shares why.