Each year Kingston North Kitsap Rotary Club awards college scholarships to Kingston High School seniors. This year’s recipients, as recently announced by a committee of four Rotarians led by De’ MacKinnon, are Justice Correa-West, who will attend University of Washington, Lauren Fox who will be a Western Washington University student, Anastasia Home who plans to go to Colorado School of Mines, and Sean Webb, who will attend University of Alaska. The scholarships were awarded based on financial need, achievement, and how well the applicant could apply Rotary’s Four-Way test to a personal experience. The Four-Way test, cited by Rotarians the world over, goes like this. “Of all the things we think, say, or do:
- Is it the truth
- Is it fair to all concerned
- Will it build goodwill and better friendships
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned.”
A recent note of thanks was received by the Club from past scholarship recipient, Nolan Meyer. “Thanks to each and every one of you I will be graduating Magna Cum Laude from Santa Clara University with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science on June 13, 2020. I am thrilled to be searching for my first position in the “real world.”
Funding scholarships is but a small example of Kingston North Kitsap Rotary Club’s “investment” in our community. It’s impact. Covid-19 has thrown the Club into alternative modes of fund raising, meeting activities, interpersonal gatherings and all the rest. It has not thrown the Club off its mission to make a meaningful impact in North Kitsap and beyond. Support from 4th of July Fun Run Virtual Challenge participants is welcomed. It is good for the body. The soul. And the community.