submitted by Communications Chair Ron Carter

Meet Maeve Boon and Brennan Jacobson, seniors at Kingston High School.  They get up early, way before most of their high school mates to attend meetings twice weekly.  What motivates them?  Donuts.  Donuts are a big draw, but once there, it’s the food drives and other community activities that motivate Maeve and Brennan to contribute as many as ten to fifteen hours each month to their community.  They do so as members of the high school’s Interact Club, sponsored by Kingston North Kitsap Rotary.  The KHS Interact Club has almost 40 members this school year, and is one of the largest clubs at the school.  The club’s purpose is to help get high school students involved in their community and support other local non-profit groups.  The club conducts a multitude of activities during the year, including trail maintenance, food drives, hygiene drives, helping out at Rotary events, and fundraisers to help other groups.  Most of the ideas for projects are brought to the club by students who see something they want to change in their community.  Maeve said “I chose to join Interact Club because I wanted to find a way to reach out and help my community.”  Her favorite part about Interact Club is the food drives, noting “it is awesome to watch the food pile up, but nothing compares to seeing all the food we collect as a club at the end of the drive.  Dropping it off at the food bank is an amazing experience, feeling like I participated in something that will help a widespread amount of people is amazing.”  Brennan, who is co-president of the club said he’s involved “because my freshman year a couple of my friends encouraged me to join.  I really enjoyed being a part of the club and have stayed on ever since.”  He claims his favorite part about the group is how members are willing to tackle any issue.  “No matter how large or time-consuming a project might be there are always students ready to lend a hand.”

There are all kinds of students in Interact, with participants in all four grades, according to Brennan.  But according to Mark Baze, Kingston North Kitsap Rotary Club Interact advisor, “these kids are the cream of the crop, high achievers.” He says “Interact Club members are much more together, more mature, than I ever was.”  Mark’s role is to facilitate what club members want to do. One of their efforts that impressed him was a Halloween project last fall - Ghost Train - in Port Orchard, for the enjoyment of grade school students.  He says “the real value of Interact is not just what members are bringing in and contributing.  It’s that they are learning how to reach out, make connections in the community.”

While food drives are part of their activities, as noted earlier, food drives the club.  Asked what would surprise people about the club, Maeve responded, “the massive role donuts play.  It’s such a nice way to keep everyone motivated and alert at early morning meetings.”  The club meets twice weekly.  Brennan, the co-president, said “I want people in the community to know that Interact wants to make sure Kingston is a great place to live for everyone.”  Who could argue that?