Pictured: Stan Mack (Rotarian and Board Member for Kingston Cares)
This initiative was initiated during a joint Rotary-Kiwanis meeting. Sharenet provided food for these kids during the Summer School program but there was a 7-8 week gap between the end of summer school and when the school year began when there was no food program. The need to fill this gap, launched a new program, in which the Kingston Food Bank was able to provide weekend packets of food each week to the same kids that were in the National Food Program during the school year. Rotary and Kiwanis provided the funds for this program. Initially, they provided for about 30 kids the 1st year and this steadily grew to about 60 kids after just a few years.
During Clint Boxman’s presidency of Kingston North Kitsap Rotary Club in 2015, he asked Kingston Cares if they would provide the oversight of Food4Kids as a registered Washington State Non-profit and 501(C)3 organization. Kingston Cares Board agreed and has operated Food4Kids since then.
Kingston Cares formed in 2013, was recognized by the State of Washington in 2014, and became a 501(C)3 organization in 2015. Three of our board members are Rotarians.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is served?
We work with local schools to identify children who are eligible for the National Food Program which serves the Free and Reduced Cost meals at school. Those families receive an invitation to sign up for Food4Kids by filling out a simple one page application.
How does it work?
We identify a location where we can temporarily store the non-perishable food and the packing materials. We purchase food from Northwest Harvest, Winco, and local grocery stores. Northwest Harvest delivers food to the location, while volunteers pick up and deliver the rest of the supplies. We schedule the packing dates and invite volunteers to sign up for one or more shifts of setup, packing, and distribution. We use Sign Up Genius software to manage the volunteers. Our volunteers come from a variety of partner organizations or simply interested citizens.
How many have we served?
2011-2017 We served 525 different children a total of 38,870 meals. Our 2018 goal is to serve 125 children a total of 15,300 meals.
How much does it cost?
2015: $3,000
2016: $8,000
2017: $16,000
2018: $28,000
Where does the money come from?
Donations, grants, and fundraisers (Sphagetti Feed and Trivia Night).
What else does Kingston Cares do?
Our mission and vision. Community Conversation, Community Meal, Project Connect, Severe Weather Shelter, Affordable Housing Working Group, Coffee Oasis
What food is provided?
We try to balance nutritious food with what kids will eat. Packets and boxes include bread, crackers, cereals, mayo, peanut butter, milk, juices, soups, oatmeal, fruit and grain bars, and fresh produce (fruit and vegetables). We include a small amount of treats like hot chocolate, popcorn, and candy.
How do I Volunteer?
Please visit our website kingstoncares.org or visit kingstoncares facebook page. If you are interested in our projects or would like us to consider a new project, fill out a simple membership application on the website. You will receive information about upcoming events and invitation to join in projects or regular meetings.
Kingston Cares Partners
Rotary, Kiwanis, Kitsap Great Give, S’klallam and Suquamish Tribes, United Way/FEMA (federal grant), BECU, Columbia Bank, First Security Bank, the local community at large.