Kingston North Kitsap Rotarians heard from new member Tim Carr at their noon meeting, Wed Feb 1, 2023.  Carr told members "his story" as a geophysicist, and informed the Club on Energy.
     Tim started out by simply talking about what energy is and the value of the units of energy. As a part of that he referred that the consumption of energy in the world is unbelievably inequitable between that used by an individual in the developed world verses someone from an area like Sub-Saharan Africa.  
He spoke to the great differences between where energy was utilized in one area verses the other.  For example, 10% of our energy use goes to use and support of our cell phones.  On the other hand, in some developing countries the majority of their energy use goes to simply obtaining the water they need to survive.
     Tim told of his involvement in various projects involving energy source exploration.  He also discussed the continued need for energy development and the role of Integrated Energy Systems in creating opportunities to ensure adequate sources of energy using the by-products of the energy to serve a useful and efficient purpose. He said that as energy needs increase, they also change as international situations evolve.  For example, the war in Ukraine has upset the access to energy in much of Europe, increasing the possibility that some regions may be forced to resort to using more polluting forms of alternative energy.  Such game-changing activities further complicate an already