submitted by Foundation Chair Bill Maule
At the meeting on Wednesday, Interim Foundation Chair Bill Maule announced that 21 of our Club members have been honored for their continuing support of the Rotary Foundation. They are now Rotary Foundation Sustaining Members for Rotary Year 2017-2018. New stickers for their Club badges are now on order and will be available soon.
Of course we do not donate to the Foundation solely for an award. We do so because we know that the Rotary Foundation is consistently honored as one of the very best foundations in the country. We know that our contributions will be well spent to support projects here in Kingston or around the world. In fact, nearly all the funds available for matching grants from our District and from the Foundation were originally donated by Rotary members of Clubs all over the globe.
On the other hand, it is pleasant to be honored for our generosity. Becoming a Sustaining Member is a way to be honored without busting your budget. Sustaining members contribute $100 or more each year. Most donate $25 with their quarterly dues. Bill points out that this amounts to only 28 cents a day. Just ask Helen to add your $25.00 donation to your quarterly dues statements. In due course that will add your name to our list of Sustaining Members and put you on the way towards a Paul Harris Fellowship. That honors a contribution of $1,000. For those of you seeking your first Fellowship, you will gain that honor when you have contributed $750. The Club will provide you the additional $250 credit by transferring recognition points to your account.
Come join us on the list.